What We Do

We provide a dedicated, on-going resource to ensure that there is a constant ‘drip, drip’ of positive information about you, your brand, your products and services getting to your target audiences day in, day out. Because we work with you on a retained basis, we can dedicate the time and generate the responses for you that you want. It’s not rocket science, but it is disciplined communication.

Media Relations:

We’ve built our reputation over the years on achieving impressive quantities of quality media coverage for our clients, predominantly, but not exclusively in the trade media, based on the ability to build relationships with the target media. It’s all about providing the right kind of information, in the right format, at the right time with the right supporting materials – photography or graphics. It’s knowing the media and offering the sort of content that the readers of each magazine or web site want to read. And once editors know you’ll provide good stuff they want more.

It’s not just about hurling information at everyone and hoping someone will print it! We research the right media for you, using our experience and our online media database, and would rather send your media releases to ten well-chosen publications than a hundred where we know ninety won’t be interested in it. It’s all common sense really – target well and see the excellent results. And don’t upset editors who you know won’t be interested in what you have to share.


We like to get the editors and journalists to meet our clients – it’s a person to person business and whilst they want to hear from us – the PR agency – they like to get to know the main people at our clients too. We’ve always seen our role as being the conduit between our clients and the media – and it works. Well. Very well.

Direct communication:

We’ve produced huge numbers of newsletters for our clients. It’s a different style of writing to writing for the media – a bit more chatty but again the writing has to be targeted at the reader. The way you write a newsletter for staff is different to customers. And different again to wider influencers – MPs, councillors, decision makers outside your immediate sector. It’s all about tone and judging that perfectly, to illicit response. Newsletters – whether printed or electronic – must be two-way communications – not-one way propaganda – that will not result in readers ‘switching off’ rapidly. Response mechanisms, seeking reaction. That’s the broad role of newsletters.
